Monday, November 23, 2009


Hey everyone! Did you know it’s WORD OF THE YEAR time?

Neither did I.

But I was delighted when I read that it was on the Oxford University Press Blog.

What, you may ask, is the word of 2009? I’ll give you three hints:

#1 – book face

#2 – you get Facebook and add all your ‘friends’

#3 – something bad happens

And you ......... them! Click here to see the answer!

Can you believe it? Even though social media sites are overrated you can’t get upset about their choice. After all, the popular catch phrase D’OH made famous by Homer J. Simpson was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2001.

It makes perfect sense. If you can make someone your friend, or ‘friend’ them, then you should be able to unfriend them too! But using computer lingo in real life isn’t anything new. Who of us hasn’t been caught saying “lol,” or “brb,” or even “Hey Gurlz, what’s the GP for tonight?”

The worlds are merging and the lines are fading.

What’s next?

What do you think the word of 2010 will be?

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog, Meg! That's so interesting to me that "unfriend" would be the word of the year. It actually makes me laugh because I find myself knowing that someone really doesn't like me or are just annoyed of seeing me in their newsfeed when I have been "unfriended". It's hilarious that Oxford University went as far as choosing this as the word of the year and that social media has actually had that much influence!
