This has always been an ongoing argument (especially when UFOs become involved) but can we really believe our eyes? When things like Photoshop and Indesin come into the equation, how can we rely on the information we get from the Internet to be factual, honest and unchagned?
Although at first glance the pros outweigh the cons, using the Internet as a primary source for worldly information has the potential to be catastrophic. At least news papers can be held accountable for their tangible papers. Internet content changes so rapidly and rumours spread like wild fire.
I have some examples for you:
Rick Mercer has a television show and has a very funny website. He gets viewers involved by hosting a Photo Challenge.
Here are some examples:
Jack Layton, The Ballerina

Harper and Bush.. in hookah we trust!

Obviously these picture are edited, but what about this one:

Dion getting in trouble.
How do you know which images are credible and which aren't?
How do you judge pictures you see on the Internet?